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4 Avoidable Causes of AC Compressor Failure

AC Compressor

One of your worst fears is having to replace the air conditioner or heater in your Garner, North Carolina, home. But with due diligence, you can prevent a premature replacement and the associated costs. Here are some avoidable causes of AC compressor failure:

Too Little Refrigerant

With hoses and materials that could break down over time, leaks can develop in your unit, causing the refrigerant to escape. Small holes and cracks in the line allow the release of the refrigerant, making the system work harder with the effort of maintaining the temperature you’ve set. Regular maintenance will detect these leaks early. Your service technician will replace the lines as they age and defects occur.

Too Much Refrigerant

Having too much refrigerant in your unit can be just as detrimental as having too little. Using the wrong type can also cause irreparable damage. Be sure to have a professional charge your system with the correct product for your model.

Electrical Failure

Several parts of the air conditioning unit can become damaged in the event of electrical failure or burnout. Routine maintenance can prevent full system failure should signs of electrical issues appear. Damaged wiring or the fusing of wires can affect the whole system, causing costly repairs or replacement. Detecting and replacing these as soon as possible can prevent these financial burdens.

Coils Need Cleaning

Your air conditioner is exposed to pollutants, dust and debris from both indoors and out. As a result, grime and residue build-up on the condenser coils of the unit. Left untreated, this can cause your system to overheat. The coils become insulated with dirt and debris and lose the ability to cool off, causing the system to work harder. Having your unit cleaned at the change of the seasons should significantly reduce the impact of the environment.

Replacing your AC compressor can be both costly and stressful. Spare yourself the headache with these few maintenance points and extend the life of your unit. Give Quality Comfort Services, Inc. a call to schedule a repair or maintenance.

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