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3 Reasons Your AC System in Wendell, NC, Has Ice on It

AC Systems Without Ice

Given the fairly warm spring weather in Wendell, NC, it can be quite odd to see ice suddenly appear on or in your air conditioner. It’s natural to wonder why this may have happened. Here are three possible reasons your AC system has ice on it:

Dirty Filters

Weak airflow always has the potential to cause ice to spontaneously appear on your AC system. This may happen because poor airflow means there will be less warm air circulating through the air conditioner, causing lower internal temperatures. The probability will then become much greater that some stray condensation sitting in the system will freeze.

Dirty filters are among the primary causes of poor airflow through an air conditioner. Always remember to change your filters at least once every 90 days. You should also have professionals check your ductwork for holes or obstructions.

Low Refrigerant Level

Once refrigerant leaks out of your air conditioner, the pressure all throughout the system — but especially in the evaporator coil — will drop correspondingly. Less refrigerant also means that your AC system can absorb and transfer less heat. For these reasons, refrigerant leaks will decrease the temperature in your AC system and make ice formation more likely.

Faulty Evaporator Coil

If your AC system’s evaporator coil is full of debris or otherwise faulty, airflow through your air conditioner will diminish considerably. Once that happens, you’ll see something similar to what we’ve mentioned might happen when your system’s filters are dirty. Because of the resulting drop in airflow, temperatures inside your AC system are much more likely to hit freezing levels.

To avoid damaging your AC system any further, we recommend turning it off and asking for preventive maintenance services. A trained service technician will then clean the coils.

Although it’s strange to see ice on your AC system, there’s no need to worry about it. For help dealing with this or any other air conditioning issue, call our team at Quality Comfort Services, Inc. and sign up for the best AC repair services around Wendell, NC.

Image provided by iStock

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